Winter/Spring 2025 Literary Lunch Hours: Narrative Technologies

Free Zoom Registration

From Electronic Health Records to AI, from robotic surgery to digital scribes, the ways we practice in healthcare are mediated by technologies to an astonishing degree. But does the advance of new technologies threaten the humanities in healthcare, or offer hope for a more creative and compassionate approach?

Our spring series of Literary Lunch Hours is organized around the theme of “narrative technologies” — a term we use in the broadest sense to mean any tool, from cutting-edge digital innovations to the most foundational literary skills, that helps us to work more deeply and fully with narrative.

Our guests will explore how different kinds of technologies — ancient and modern, big and small — offer new opportunities, or should give us pause. Throughout, we’re asking how narrative-based medicine can employ different kinds of technology both effectively and compassionately.

These events are free to attend. Please register in advance to receive meeting access for each event in the series.

All lunch hours are hosted online from 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Artist and scholar Darian Goldin Stahl joins the Lab for an interactive session on the making of books — specifically artist’s books, including the opportunity to make your own creative response to an Embodied Book.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A deep dive into digital storytelling in the healthcare context with Allison Crawford, Chief Medical Officer at 9-8-8 national suicide prevention service, psychiatrist, and Director of Virtual Care at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).

Thursday, March 20, 2025

An exploration of editing as technology with Monica Kidd, award-winning writer, physician, and humanities editor at the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Wednesday, April 23, 2025

Physician, journalist, and NBM Lab International Advisory Board Member Muiris Houston shares the possibilities, implications, and dangers presented to narrative-informed care by AI.

About the Literary Lunch Hours

With an emphasis on interactivity and collaboration, our Literary Lunch Hours provide space for members of the NBM Lab community to learn about new work in the field, engage in dialogue, and exchange ideas.